Rotter – 25 Years Banking and Capital Markets Law
For many years, ROTTER RECHTSANWÄLTE have been ranking among the leading European law firms specialized in banking and capital market law. In our office in Munich, we provide private and institutional investors and bank customers with the first-class expertise, the experience and comprehensive service necessary to win even the most complex banking and capital market cases – both nationally and internationally. Since formation of our law firm in 1998, we have brought about a great number of rulings of the highest courts in favour of investors, and thereby contributed to improving investment laws both in Germany and Europe. This is why we have been appointed by numerous courts as attorneys in complex actions for damages, thereby assuming responsibility for several thousand investors. Whether you intend to close an investment deal or your investment has failed, there are at least 10 reasons to consult us.
Wirecard: Shareholder claims
Update September 27, 2024:
The Higher Regional Court in Munich ruled on September 17, 2024 that shareholder claims rank equally to other creditor claims (Court Case No. 5 U 7318/22). The Higher Regional Court thus reversed the judgment of the Munich District Court. The appeal to the German Federal Court of Justice has been granted.
Update February 14, 2024:
The first oral hearing in the model case action against EY and others will presumably be held in autumn 2024 according to a press release published by the court today.
Update March 13, 2023:
The court today announced the lead plaintiff in the model case action against EY and Dr. Markus Braun. Within a period of 6 months other defrauded investors now will be able to register their claims with the court. This registration has to be executed by a lawyer licensed in Germany.
→ Court decision lead plaintiff
For further information please contact: Rechtsanwalt Bernd Jochem (+49 89 64 98 45-0;
Update August 25, 2020:
The relevant Munich court yesterday officially opened the insolvency proceeding and appointed Michael Jaffé as the permanent administrator.
The court also has set October 26, 2020 as the deadline for the filing of claims in the proceeding and scheduled the first creditors’ meeting for November 18, 2020.
Update June 25, 2020:
Today Wirecard’s management board has decided to file an application for the opening of insolvency proceedings due to impending insolvency and over-indebtedness.
We therefore will also seek to protect the interests of defrauded inverstors in this insolvency proceeding. Furthermore we will investigate claims against the auditors Ernst & Young and (ex-) board members personally.
June 19, 2020:
We are pursuing possible shareholder claims against Wirecard AG (ISIN DE0007472060) based on the failure to disclose information about an insufficient compliance system within the company and a potential manipulation of the balance sheet under Section 97 of the German Securities Trading Act and Section 826 of the German Civil Code.
On June 18, 2020 Wirecard acknowledged that the failure to complete an audit by June 19 may lead to the termination of 2 billion euros in loans, thus putting pressure on the available cash of the company. Shares plunged more than 60% due to the delayed publication of the annual financial results of the company when Wirecard revealed that auditors were unable to find about EUR 1.9 billion in cash in escrow accounts held at two Asian banks.
For further information please contact: Rechtsanwalt Klaus Rotter (+49 89 64 98 45-0;; Rechtsanwalt Bernd Jochem (+49 89 64 98 45-0;
Saalesparkasse: Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs zu Prämiensparverträgen
Der XI. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat mit Urteil vom 09.07.2024 nunmehr über das von unserer Kanzlei für den Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) im Wege der Musterfeststellungsklage gegen die Saalesparkasse erstrittene Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Naumburg – Urteil vom 8. Februar 2023 – 5 MK 1/20 – entschieden.
Die gegen das Urteil des Oberlandesgerichts Naumburg eingelegte Revision wurde vom BGH zurückgewiesen. Das von unserer Kanzlei für den vzbv erstrittene Urteil wurde damit vom BGH vollumfänglich bestätigt.
Für die betroffenen Verbraucher steht nunmehr endlich fest, wie die Vertragszinsen zu den betroffenen Prämiensparverträgen der Saalesparkasse zu berechnen sind. Demnach sind bei der Neuberechnung insbesondere die Zinsreihe der Deutschen Bundesbank für Bundeswertpapiere mit einer Restlaufzeit von 8 bis 15 Jahren (derzeitige Kennung BBSIS.M.I.UMR.RD,EUR.S1311.8,A604.R0815.R.A.A._Z._Z.A, vormals WU 9554) und [...]